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Saturday, March 31, 2012


La imagen me encanto, no se de quien es asi que pido disculpas al dueno por no citarlo, ojala no me censuren con la ley SOPA jajaja la frase es de Rosana, una cantante que me fascina!

Dejame besarte

Queriendo besarte..
deseandolo amargamente,
sedienta del agua pura de tus labios
que me niegas sin piedad...
Sintiendome miserable,
hundiendome en este mar de anhelos,
pidiendo algo tan simple como un beso
que me ayude a revivir,
a salir de esta tristeza que me causa tu crueldad, 
a soportar esta agonia
de tenerte tan cerca y no poder sentir tu piel.
Me muerdo los labios de rabia y ganas
que se mezclan y me envenenan el alma,
porque besarte es lo que mas anhelo,
pero a veces es mucho pedir
porque en tu alma no hay sentimientos para esta pobre
que vela tus besos como un perro hambriento
al ver su amo comer.
Dejame besarte, te lo ruego.
Dejame darte mi amor a traves de mis labios,
porque este corazon quiere explotar por guardar tanto amor
porque un beso es lo mas sublime y hermoso que te puedo dar
porque un beso no te cuesta nada, y en cambio a mi me daria todo
dejame amarte, hacerte el amor con mis labios,
darte mi pasion con mi boca
sin perder la inocencia de amar
sin convertir el amor en diversion
dejame besarte, porque lo necesito,
porque las almas se tocan a traves de los besos.
Dejame darte mis besos
que es lo mas valioso que tengo
aunque para ti no valgan nada.
Deame amarte en un beso eterno 
dejame probar la eternindad en tus labios.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

In LovE AgaIn!

How neat is to love??
It's just AWESOME! and I love to feel this way!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Yes, love hurts.

Here I am once again with a broken heart and the horrible feeling I get any time I say good bye.
I am not angry, not even sad, just feeling this empty space in me and the annoying sensation of my body hurting, because for some reason all my feelings go straight to my stomach and my muscles.
maybe He thinks this is a funny game. Making me fall in love, making me fly and lay in soft clouds were the world is not important, making me be in such a state of happiness that I think is better than drugs and then make me fall down all of a sudden and hit the ground in the hardest possible way. This feel like the end of the world, and I know it isn't. I know I will get over it and live my life, but right in this moment it feels like I just died.
After some days trying so hard to don't think of him, and after finally get enough strength to don't beg him and call him, and don't even answer his phone calls, he found a way to contact me and sugar me, and as he said, romance my socks off, which I don't really know what it means but I guess is something like make me fall in love again, and as if there could be another result, I fell for him once again like the most innocent child.
After some days talking and feeling like the most beloved woman, today he said once again that he is not gonna be with me if I pick my plans over him. And I cannot choose between him and my dreams, even when my heart screams and beg me to run to his arms and don't ever let him to let me go, I cannot give up my plans for a guy.
Is hard and it could sound cold hearted but is the reality and is what I learn from my own experience.
Now I just can wonder myself and try to find an answer that really explain me why he does that. Why does he makes me fall in love if he doesn't love me? Why does he thinks this is a good game? Why doesn't he care about my pain and sadness anytime that I have to think that I'm not ever going to be with him?
Now I feel stupid, because in certain way I knew it that this was going to happen again. The same story, he saying he loves me and wants to be with me and then change his mind and be like nothing while I'm dying.
Today my "dad" said that I'm glowing anytime I talk about him, and that my smile looks even more beautiful. I just could think of how much I love him, then I decided myself and I told him I was moving there again. Is curious how his mind works. If I reject him then he loves me, if I show him some love then he rejects me. I know it makes no sense. Nothing in this "relationship" makes much sense.
I know many people that could feel plenty identified with this kind of no-healthy-relationship, but it is so far my first time in this kind of it, and I am completely lost. Without knowing what to do I just can suffer and be miserable anytime we say good bye.
I need to confess this time was me who said good bye, I am tired of being like this, being blind and walking in a strange trail, so I just could say good bye. I know this week is going to suck, I will try to keep my mind busy and don't think about him until I gradually forget him.
I cannot promise I am not going to fall again, I just can say I will try.
Love makes people blind and dumb, and the worse thing is that I love that sensation. I want to love for ever even with all the pain, sometimes it worth it, sometimes it doesn't, the only way to know is to try it, even if it hurts.

Being a Cliché!

I do not usually write in English.. I hate to do it for many reasons, one of them is that I'm terrible at it, and also I can better express my emotions in Spanish.. But I feel like writing in English this time, maybe is because if I do it in Spanish it'd hurt more.
Like other times, I have so long without writing in my blog, but this time wasn't because there was not much to say, this time was because my ex-boyfriend's laptop broke and I couldn't use it anymore. Thanks God and my mom I got one.
In this moment I feel like shit. Pardon my French, but is actually how I feel, I am so sad. Maybe u noticed that I wrote my ex-boyfriend, and that's the reason why.
Vegas by now are like always since I met it for the first time, that isn't long. 5 months ago I landed here and I soon realized that there's not much but casinos and paid sex. I can't deny that the strip is fabulous, all that lights and the crowd make it a really good place to go and walk, but not in high heels which isn't good at all. I have to confess that I hate this desert, I'd rather be in a green place surrounded by trees but anyway I am OK. After three beautiful months of absence I am here again, with my heart broken and tears that want to go out but I keep them inside because there is no worse thing that showing others how pathetic you are when you're sad, even worse when you're sad because someone dumb you. So, even when I just want to cry and tell to everyone how sad I am I'll control myself.
Those three months in Wisconsin weren't bad, actually they were quite well.
I just feel sorry that I noticed it right after was too late to change a decision that I have made already.
I regret that I was a bitch sometimes; after a super active and independent life is not easy to settle down be at home and be a good housewife, and naturally that abrupt change stressed me out and made me be someone who I never saw in myself.
Even with my craziness and all the crap I gave to my ex-boyfriend my time in WI was so good. It was a simple life. Going out with friends once in a while, cooking and cleaning once in a while, feeling sad at the mornings when he had to left me, being happy at nights when he came back. Isn't complicated at all. I am not quite sure if I miss that, what I'm sure about is that I miss him.
This is my second week in Vegas after that time. Now I'm back in school and keeping my mind busy, but trying to do not think of him is more than an impossible goal.
The more that I try it the more that I cannot do it. He's just sticked on my mind like gum in the hair but even worse, and quite more painful.
5 days ago, when we were still a happy couple, I tried to talk to him all afternoon. Missing him so bad it was really bad to don't get a text back from him or just get one once in a while. Pissed off I text him that I wanted to brake up with him, after a while and with some effort I fell asleep. Too bad that he called me at midnight and after saying a lot of stuffs, many of them non sense, he broke up with me and hang off. And that was it.
I said to myself that I'll be strong and do not call him or beg.. But naturally, I did. I feel so dumb about that. The day before yesterday I was getting to be strong, I decided to have some fun and went out with some friends, but he thought it was a good idea to text me saying that he misses me.
Not a good idea at all. I got weak again.
He's one of that guys that likes hard work and male stuffs, hunting, fishing, shooting and stuffs like that are his thing. not showing his feelings also is. He loves in his way being sweet in his own style which make him sexy, not to mention his masculinity that makes me melt like a chocolate in the roof on a summer day in vegas. He's goofy and funny and knows how to make people laugh.
There's many things I like of him, specially how he smells and his beautiful skin, his rose lips and his strong hands. His warm and hot body is quite good underblankets in the cold nights of WI, and kissing him when we just wake up isn't a torture, I always wondered myself what is his secret to don't have bad breath in the morning.
He's an awesome coocker and he likes to do it (which is more than perfect for me) and when he hugged me I felt like I was in heaven. Sex is more than great also. He's not the kind of guy who likes foreplay but he does it once in a while, and when it happened I just went to the paradise and spent a vacation on it.
What can I say? I'll use his own expression, which by the way I learned because of him: He's a catch.
But maybe I'm one of the few that think that.
That night I went out and it was so fun, I danced a lot and drank some, but next day wasn't that fun.
Yesterday I woke up and as usual he was the first thing on my mind. after two weeks I still thinking that I'm in his bed and is so weird to wake up to find out that I'm not. While the day was going I was trying to be strong and don't text him or call him, but that's too much to ask. As normal since he dumb me his answers were cold and apart. then we get into the kind of converstion that is typical from a soap opera whit all the drama and stuff, and after me giving reasons to be together and he taking them all out of the arc like in a soccer game, the final conclusion was that he won't be back with me. Not a suprising conclusion.
This days have been so easy to be down.
Today wasn't that bad because I did not call him until 2 pm, I think I achieve something. But this day was also not good, being pathetic was my duty today.
Like hte most reapeted cliche I just seat in front of my computer and after a while trying to keep my mind busy I couldn't bear more the temptation of checking his facebook, what by the way I do all the time. And then I did it, as if there was another possible outcome for my stupidity. To make it more pathetic I went for that chocolate that was in my purse and started watching his pictures and crying. Shame of me!
At the morning I had been in a math class, which made me happy because is better to feel stupid trying to understend math without success than feeling stupid about feeling sad for a guy who doesn't give a shit for me.
But the class finished and I had to go back to my pathetic mood.
Walking for 40 minutes isn't fun if the sun is burning you, but this is Vegas and there's no way to escape from the heat and the hot of the day, much more if it is noon.
After 5 minutes of crying-eating chocolate- being pathetic time I called him. Another dumb idea.
I talk to an iceberg on the other side of the line, and I had to hang off before my voice reaveled that I was dying inside. Like the cheapest soap opera there's a lot of drama. High school drama as he called some day. After a while I wondered where my chocolate was, I found the answer in a stein in the couch and in my pants, what made me worry in the begging and then made me laugh. At least there was something that made my time get a little better, so bad that the funny moment didn't last long.
So, here I am, being sad and writing about it, like it is going to make things to get better. I should better fall asleep and wake up when the pain is gone.. The questions is, When is it going to be?

Saturday, January 7, 2012

la manana no se cansa de vernos despertar..

Escribiendo una vez mas, despues de uno que otro intento fallido por entrar a mi blog, vengo con ganas de hablar de nada.. de algo que no importa en realidad.. una conversacion superflua e insulsa como las que diariamente tenemos con la gente que hay a nuestro alrededor.. estoy pensando en ese hermoso amanecer que logro ver desde mi ventana casi todas las mananas, en lo hermoso que hay en lo mas simple.. en la belleza de la naturaleza que por siempre estar ahi ignoramos continuamente.. desde mi cama en Wisconsin, durmiendo a su lado, sintiendo su calor y su respiracion cerca de mi, me siento llena de calma.. mi vida tiene pocos sobresaltos desde que estoy con el, tanta tranquilidad puede llegar a ser asfixiante en cierto punto. Esto me hace pensar en la naturaleza del ser humano, me pregunto si todas las personas sienten esto, o si solo las mujeres nos complicamos la vida con estos pensamientos .. o si soy solo yo.. pero no creo, es imposible que no haya otra persona a quien le hastie el exceso de calma. Con esta vida rutinaria y el amor seguro ya no se si estoy confundiendo el amor con la estabilidad o la pasion con la compania. Ya la costumbre se ha hecho profunda, a pesar de que el tiempo ha sido corto, tengo unas alas esperando despegar del suelo al que mis pies se aferran con tanta fuerza, y mil pensamientos muy contradictorios a cerca de hacia donde ir.. Aqui hago una pausa y leo lo que he escrito, no tiene mucho sentido, se puede leer que es alguien confundido quien escribe.. Jamas estuve en una relacion asi.. vivir con el es casi hermoso, es no pelear por nada, es saber que puedes confiar en alguien, es saber que de seguro el estara ahi.. es saber que tienes con quien hacer el amor cuando lo apetezcas, es saber que el va a complacer los caprichos y a hacer lo que el considera apropiado para dar felicidad. Pero a la vez es rutinario.. esa despertar cada manana, sentirlo junto a mi, hacer el amor y empezar el dia.. un dia completamente tranquilo, con el cocinando y yo viendo television o visceversa.. pasar el tiempo acurrucada con el en el sofa, y esperar la noche para amarnos de nuevo y dormir cansados.. y empezar un nuevo dia que sera casi una exacta replica del dia anterior. Lo amo? no se. Me hago esta pregunta cada dia. Ayer le dije que regresaria a Las Vegas, me parecio por ciertos momentos que decirle eso lo puso triste, pero a la vez lo senti lejos, su cuerpo estaba ahi pero sus ojos se veian distantes.. Me ama? no lo se.. ni siquiera se que es que alguien te ame, no se si he sido amada, no se cual es la definicion de estar enamorado. Estos dias ha sonado en mi cabeza como un cd rayado la fraccion de la cancion de Arjona que dice.. "confundiendo amor con compania" .. me hace pensar, pensar y pensar y pensar de nuevo.. es eso lo que hacemos toda nuestra vida?? confundir amor con otras emociones? confuendir el amor con la costumbre, con la seguridad, con la pasion, con el no sentirse solo.. pero.. si el amor no es eso, que es entonces? sera que en el momento en que nos topemos con el amor de repente lo sabremos reconocer? y en ese magico momento el tiempo se estancara por unos segundos y tendremos totalmente claro que las experiencias antes vividas no han sido amor... estoy divagando.. esta ha sido mi actividad favorita por estos dias.. cuando no hay alguna actividad que te entretenga no queda mas opcion que escuchar tus propios pensamientos y descubrir que te molestan mas que cualquier otro ruido. y escuchando estos pensamientos que vienen por pedazos y con poca logica me doy cuenta que pasamos nuestra vida tan ocupados con el exterior, escuchando a otros, que olvidamos completamente hablar con nostros mismos.. luego cuando por algun motivo escuchamos nuevamente a nuestro interior, es tan molesto y avergonzante que elegimos los sonidos externos y volvemos a silenciar nuestra propia voz.
Su respuesta cuando le dije que me iba fue.. me amas? yo respondi que si.. "entonces quedate." asi de simple, tal y como el es. Admiro como todo es sencillo para el, quisiera ser asi. Pero por mas que lo intento no lo logro.. se que la vida seria mucho mas sencilla de esa manera, se que tal vez seria mas feliz.. el se ve como alguien feliz y tranquilo, con un espiritu en calma. Ayer en la tarde despues de hacer el amor nos quedamos en la cama mirando a los ojos del otro.. me di cuenta de que me siento incomoda cuando lo miro directamente a los ojos, me siento desnuda, no de ropa sino de alma.. y preferi mirar hacia otro lado. Luego le pregunte si el pensaba mucho.. suena como una pregunta tonta, sinceramente esperaba que su respuesta fuera como otras que he escuchado anteriormente.. esperaba que me dijera que si.. pero no, su respuesta fue un simple y sencillo "No." Luego le pregunte porque, y me dijo que preferia no hacerlo. despues no dijo nada mas.. asi son mis conversaciones con el, sus respuestas son cortantes y nunca pregunta mucho, de hecho, nunca me pregunta nada mas alla de lo cotidiano y superficial del dia a dia.. definitivamente el trata de no enredarse la vida con conversaciones complicadas. Mientras tanto yo trato de hacer mi vida dificil con pensamientos completamente confusos.
Mi desicion fue quedarme, tal vez porque no tengo ninguna razon para irme mas que mis propias ganas de complicar mi existencia, o tal vez porque asi es mas facil.. La esperanza de que una vida mas emocionante y mas a mi medida viene tal vez pronto, me da cierta energia para seguir asi, aunque en realidad no necesito mucha energia para esta vida, estoy en estado de descanso constante, tanto que ya mi cuerpo esta cansado.. acostumbrada a vivir corriendo y apurada se me hace muy dificil estar asi.. mientras tanto seguire mirando cada manana por la ventana, divagando nuevamente, tratando de escuchar mis propia voz interior que despues de un rato ha dejado de molestarme y ha empezado a entretenerme. Seguire admirando el espectaculo de amanecer que la vida me esta dejando disfrutar por este tiempo, y seguire levantandome cada nuevo dia, porque la manana no se cansa de vernos despertar..

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Places I want to travel to:

Pato o Aguila? tu decides...

Rodrigo estaba haciendo fila para poder ir al aeropuerto. Cuando un taxista se acercó, lo primero que notó fue que el taxi estaba limpio y brillante. El chofer bien vestido con una camisa blanca, corbata negra y pantalones negros muy bien planchados, el taxista salio del auto dio la vuelta y le abrió la puerta trasera del taxi. 

Le alcanzo un cartón plastificado y le dijo: yo soy Willy, su chofer. Mientras 
pongo su maleta en el portaequipaje me gustaría que lea mi Misión. 

Después de sentarse, Rodrigo leyó la tarjeta: Misión de Willy: “Hacer llegar a mis clientes a su destino final de la manera mas rápida, segura y económica posible brindándole un ambiente amigable” 

Rodrigo quedo impactado. Especialmente cuando se dio cuenta que el interior del taxi estaba igual que el exterior, ¡¡limpio sin una mancha!! 

Mientras se acomodaba detrás del volante Willy le dijo, “Le gustaría un café? 
Tengo unos termos con café regular y descafeinado”. Rodrigo bromeando le dijo: 
“No, preferiría un refresco” Willy sonrío y dijo: “No hay problema tengo un 
hielera con refresco de Cola regular y dietética, agua y jugo de naranja”. Casi tartamudeando Rodrigo le dijo: “Tomare la Cola dietética” 

Pasándole su bebida, Willy le dijo, “Si desea usted algo para leer, tengo el 
Reforma, Esto, Novedades y Selecciones…” 

Al comenzar el viaje, Willy le paso a Rodrigo otro cartón plastificado, “Estas son las estaciones de radio que tengo y la lista de canciones que tocan, si quiere escuchar la radio” 

Y como si esto no fuera demasiado, Willy le dijo que tenia el aire acondicionado prendido y preguntó si la temperatura estaba bien para él. Luego le avisó cual seria la mejor ruta a su destino a esta hora del día. También le hizo conocer que estaría contento de conversar con él o, si prefería lo dejaría solo en sus meditaciones. ... 

“Dime Willy, -le pregunto asombrado Rodrigo- siempre has atendido a tus clientes así?” 

Willy sonrió a través del espejo retrovisor. “No, no siempre. De hecho solamente los dos últimos dos años. Mis primero cinco años manejando los gaste la mayor parte del tiempo quejándome igual que el resto de los taxistas. Un día escuche en la radio acerca del Dr. Dyer un “Gurú” del desarrollo personal. El acababa de escribir un libro llamado “Tú lo obtendrás cuando creas en ello”. Dyer decía que si tu te levantas en la mañana esperando tener un mal día, seguro que lo tendrás, muy rara vez no se te cumplirá. El decía: Deja de quejarte. Se diferente de tu competencia. No seas un pato. Se un águila. Los patos solo hacen 
ruido y se quejan, las águilas se elevan por encima del grupo”. 

“Esto me llego aquí, en medio de los ojos”, dijo Willy. “Dyer estaba realmente hablando de mi. Yo estaba todo el tiempo haciendo ruido y quejándome, entonces decidí cambiar mi actitud y ser un águila. Mire alrededor a los otros taxis y sus chóferes… los taxis estaban sucios, los chóferes no eran amigables y los clientes no estaban contentos. Entonces decidí hacer algunos cambios. Uno a la vez. Cuando mis clientes respondieron bien, hice más cambios”. 

“Se nota que los cambios te han pagado”, le dijo Rodrigo. 
“Si, seguro que si”, le dijo Willy. “Mi primer año de águila duplique mis 
ingresos con respecto al año anterior. Este año posiblemente lo cuadruplique. 
Usted tuvo suerte de tomar mi taxi hoy. Usualmente ya no estoy en la parada de taxis. Mis clientes hacen reservación a través de mi celular o dejan mensajes en mi contestador. Si yo no puedo servirlos consigo un amigo taxista águila confiable para que haga el servicio”. 

Willy era fenomenal. Estaba haciendo el servicio de una limusina en un taxi normal. 

Posiblemente haya contado esta historia a mas de cincuenta taxistas, y solamente dos tomaron la idea y la desarrollaron. Cuando voy a sus ciudades, los llamo a ellos. El resto de los taxistas hacen bulla como los patos y me cuentan todas las razones por las que no pueden hacer nada de lo que les sugería. 

Willy el taxista, tomo una diferente alternativa: 

El decidió dejar de hacer ruido y quejarse como los patos y volar por encima del grupo como las águilas. 

No importa si trabajas en una oficina, en mantenimiento, eres maestro, Un 
servidor publico,"político", ejecutivo, empleado o profesionista, ¿Cómo te 
comportas? ¿Te dedicas a hacer ruido y a quejarte? ¿Te estás elevando por encima de los otros? 

(Gracias a LANDY LUNA quien me envio este E-mail)